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धर्म मानव मात्र का एक है, मानवों के धर्म अलग अलग नहीं होते-Theology

সাম্প্রতিক প্রবন্ধ

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17 November, 2020

অষ্টাধ্যায়ী ভাষ্য

Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati authored more than 70 works in all, including a 14 volume explanation of the six Vedangas,  9 volumes of Rigveda Bhasya and 4 volumes of Yajurved Bhasya. His most important and referred works are Satyarth Prakash, Sanskarvidhi, Rigvedadi Bhashya Bhumika, Rigved Bhashyam (up to 7/61/2) and Yajurved Bhashyam.

Maharshi completed his vedic studies under Swami Virjanand in 1864. Thereafter, he travelled across India till 1874 AD for Vedic propagation and learning. Maharshi’s first major authorship was Panchmahayajya Vidhi in 1874 AD. The Paropkarini Sabha located in the Indian city of Ajmer was founded by the Swami himself to publish and preach his works and Vedic texts in 1882.

Maharshi passed away in 1883; at that time his Rig Veda Bhasyam was only more than half way. But within his short span of 10 years of work, he created a vast, deep and research based literature on the Vedic lore.

About 25+ Biographies of Maharshi Dayanand has been authored in the last 125+ years.

To download the books of Maharshi, please follow the links below. Books can also be downloaded from Scribd:  https://www.scribd.com/collections/3979079/Complete-Literature-of-Maharshi-Dayanand-Saraswati


Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 1_Part1of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 1_Part2of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 1_Part3of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 1_Part4of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 1_Part5of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 2_Part1of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 2_Part2of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 2_Part3of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 2_Part4of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 2_Part5of5 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 3_Part1of4 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 3_Part2of4 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 3_Part3of4 PDF
Ashtadhyaayi Bhasyam 3_Part4of4 PDF

Arya Samaj ke Niyam aur Upniyam (30-11-1874) pdf

Panch Maha Yajya Vidhi (1874 & 1877) pdf

   Satyarth Prakash (1875 & 1884) pdf  : It was first published in 1875; very few copies of this 1st edition is available; Chapters 13 and 14 on Christianity and Islam could not be included in this edition due to expediency. As this edition contained several statements which Dayanand could not approve of, a revised edition was published in 1884, which is regarded as the only authentic version and contains full 14 chapters. Originally written in Hindi, translations are now available in many Indian and foreign languages. It is divided in two parts; the first part gives the positive side of Vedic religion and the second part analyses the falsities of various religions.
সত্যার্থ প্রকাশ পিডিফ হিন্দি (satyarth prakash hindi original)
YAJURVED BHASHYAM (Complete)  (1878 to 1889): Available in a set of 4 books.
Yajurved Bhasyam Vol 1_Part1of2.pdf 
Yajurved Bhasyam Vol 1_Part2of2 PDF

  Sanskrit Vakyaprabodhah  (1879): It is an aide to learn and talk in Sanskrit.
  Sanskrit Vakyaprabodhah part 1 pdf
  Sanskrit Vakyaprabodhah part 2 pdf

Vyavahar Bhanu (1879) : It deals with popular and everyday topic on behaviour. The teachings are supported by interesting anecdotes and teachings.

VEDANG PRAKASH (Set of 14 Books)

1    Varnoccharan Shiksha (1879)

2)    Sandhi Vishay

3)    Naamik

4)    Kaarakiya

5)    Saamaasik

6)    Streintaaddhit(Part1of2.pdf  । Part2of2.pdf )

7)    Avyayaarth

8)    Aakhyaatikah(Part1of3.pdf । Part2of3.pdf  । Part3of3.pdf )

9)    Sauvar 

10)    PariBhaashik

11)    Dhatupath

12)    Ganpaath

13)    Unaadikosh

14)    Nighantu  


15)    Bhrantinivaran (1880)  : It is a sample on Rig Veda Commentary

16)    Bhramocchedan (1880) : It is a reply to Raja Shiv Prasad Sitaar-e-Hind of Beneras's objections to Swamiji's Rig Vedadi Bhasya Bhumika.

17)     Anu Brhamochhedan  (1880): It was published as a rebuttal, when Raja Shiva Prasad published and answer to Swamiji's Bhramocheddan.

18)    Gokaruna Nidhi (1880) : It pleads for the protection of Cows in particular and other animals in general.

19)    Swikar Patra (27-02-1883) 

RISHI DAYANAND KE PATRA AUR VIGYAPAN:- Dayanand Saraswati was extremely good and spontaneous in commnication. He wrote thousands of letters in his life time. About 1400+ letter communications between Dayanand and others are available now in published form. The foremost efforts in collecting the letters written by Swami Dayanand Saraswati was done by Pandit Lekhram and Mahatma Munshiram (Swami Shraddhanand). Pandit Lekhram published the first biography of Swami Dayanand (in urdu) which contained research from these collected letters. Mahatma Munshiram published "Rishi Dayanand ka Patra Vyavhar- Vol 1"in 1910 AD (which is also known as the first collection of letters of Hindi literature - Dr. Kamal Punjani). This work was further continued by Pandit Chamupati who published "Rishi Dayanand ka Patra Vyavhar- Vol 2" in 1935 AD. In 1945 AD, Pandit Bhagvaddatta published "Rishi Dayanand ke patra aur vigyapan" in 1945; this effort could not have been possible without the untiring effort of Manasvi Mamraj ji. Most of the above publications were kept in Lahore (now in Pakistan) and were lost in the 1947 riots.

In the 1980s, Maho-Maha-Upadhayaya Pandit Yudhistir Mimamsak, made a compilation of all the above letters and other publications of Maharshi Dayanand. The fourth and his last edition of this compilation was published in 4 volumes containing 1400+ of them. These letters were in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati and English.

      i)   "Rishi Dayanand ka Patra Vyavhar- Vol 1" - Mahatma Mumnshiram

     ii)   Rishi Dayanand ka Patra Vyavahar (Vol-2) - Pdt. Chamupati

     iii)  Rishi Dayanand ke Patra aur Vigyapan - Bhagvaddatt

     iv)  " Rishi Dayanand ke patra aur vigyapan - Vol 1 "( Book No 1_Part1of7.pdfBook No 1_Part2of7.pdf ।Book No 1_Part3of7.pdf Book No 1_Part4of7.pdf Book No 1_Part5of7.pdf Book No 1_Part6of7.pdf Book No 1_Part7of7.pdf )- Pandit Yudhistir 

     v)   " Rishi Dayanand ke patra aur vigyapan - Vol 2 " - Pandit Yudhistir 

      vi)  " Rishi Dayanand ke patra aur vigyapan - Vol 3 " - Pandit Yudhistir 

       vii) " Rishi Dayanand ke patra aur vigyapan - Vol 4 " - Pandit Yudhistir 

A)    Swa Mantavya Amantavya 

B)    Chaturved Vishay Suchi (1971): Before commencing his commentary upon Vedas, Dayanand had prepared a subject wise index of all the four Vedas for his guidance at the time of commenting upon the Vedas.

C)    Saamved Sanhitayah Mantraanam Varnanukram Suchi 



D)    Swami Dayanand dwara swarachit Janm Charitra (1872-1873) (in Sanskrit in Kolkata 1872-1873)

F)    Swami Dayanand dwara swakathit Janm Charitra (04-08-1875) 

G)    Swami Dayanand dwara swarachit Janm Charitra (1880) :  (For The Theosophist Society's monthly Journal: Nov & Dec 1880): It was written by Swamiji in Hindi; translated in English and published by The Theosophist Society. 2nd pdf



H)    Bhagwat Khandnam OR Paakhand Khandan (1866) OR Vaishnavmat Khandan (1866): First published in 1864 from Agra and distributed in Kumbh Mela, Haridwar at the time of unfurling the Pakhand Khandini Pataka. It rejected the Bhaagvat as Unarsh work. It was republished in 1871 with further notes.

I)    Advaitmat Khandan (Unavailable) (1870): Denounced the doctrine of non-duality of Shankaracharya's Advaita; Published from Light Press, Beneras 1870.

J)     Hugli Shastrarth (1873)  : It was first published in Bengali and later published in Hindi under the title "Pratima Pujan Vichar".

K)     Vedanti Dhwant Nivaran (1875) : It gives the meanings and expositions of the four principle aphorisms on which the Neo-Vedantists rely to prove the oneness of God and Soul. This study refutes their contention and cites Brahmanas and Upanishads.

L)     Vedviruddh mat Khandan  (1875): It was originally written in Sanskrit; Shyamji Krishna Verma translated it in Gujarati and Bhimsen in Hindi. This work denounces idol worship, belief in avataars, etc. It  refutes the tenets of Vallabhachaari and other vaishnav sects.

M)    ShikshaPatri Dhwant Nivaran (1875) : It came as a refutation to Shiksha Patri written by the founder of the Swami Narayan Sect.

N)    Puna Pravachan (04-07-1875) : It was first published in Marathi; later it was translated in Gujarati; Its hindi version is known as Updesh Manjari.

O)     Jullundhar Shastrarth (1877)  : Punjabi press, Lahore, 1877.

P)    Satyadharm Vichar (Mela Chandapur) (1877) : Mela Chandrapur Shastrartha, first published in Urdu in 1878; later published in both Hindi and Urdu by Vedic Yantralaya, Beneras, 1880 under the title Satya Dharma Vichaar.

Q)     Bareily Shastrarth (1879)  : It was first published in Urdu under the name Satyasatya Vivek.

R)    Kashi Shastrarth (1880) : 

S)     Ajmer Shastrartha  was published both in Hindi and Urdu in Aryadarpan of Ajmer.

T)     Masuda Shastrartha  was published in Desh Hitaishi of Ajmer.

U)     Udaipur Shastrartha  was published by Pandit Lekhram in his biography of Dayanand.

Note:- For other  Miscellaneous Shastrarth(PART1 / PART 2please read 1.Dayanand Shastrarth Sangrah published by Arsh Sahitya Prachar Trust, Delhi and 2. Rishi Dayanand ke Shastrarth evam Pravachan published by Ramlal Kapoor Trust Sonipat (Haryana).



V)    Sandhya (Unavailable) (1863): First published work of Swami Dayanand immediately after completion of his studies under Swami Virjanand; from Jwalaprakash Press, Agra. Thirty Thousand copies were distributed free of cost then; the expenditure was met by one Ruplal; unfortunately the work is no more available.

W)    VedBhashyam Namune ka PRATHAM Ank (1875)

X)    VedBhashyam Namune ka DWITIYA Ank (1876)

Y)    Gautam Ahilya ki katha (Unavailable) (1879): It is a reinterpretation of the legend of Gautam - Ahilya, quite different from the versions available in the Puranas.

Z)    Gadarbh Taapni Upnishad (As per Babu Devendranath Mukhopadhyay) (Unavailable)

Purvardha - PDF 1

Purvardha - 2 PDF

Purvardha - 3 PDF

Uttarardha - 1 (Bhadrakam Varni) PDF

Uttarardha - 2 (Bhadrakam Varni)PDF

Bareilly Shashtrarth-punarjanam

Bhagvat Khandanam-pdf


Sanskarvidhi (1877 & 1884)


Satyadharm Vichar (Mela Chandapur) (1877) pdf

ऋग्वेद - pdf(vol-1) (vol-2) (vol-3) (vol-4) (vol-5)
यजुर्वेद - pdf
सामवेद - pdf

nyaydarshan pdf
signature of maharshi dayanand saraswati

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