Pain wave theory - ধর্ম্মতত্ত্ব


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धर्म मानव मात्र का एक है, मानवों के धर्म अलग अलग नहीं होते-Theology

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30 July, 2021

Pain wave theory

Pain wave theory
Pain wave theory

The theory published in a book says that pain waves originating from animals being slaughtered can lead to a similar destructive outcome such as an earthquake.According to this theory every animal living on this earth have a specific amount of energy .When a animal is sluttered an energy emitts from the animals just before the dying the animal . It contains a several kilowatt energy which converts into a wave ,is called pain wave and is responsible for earthquake.

The Einstein's Pain Wave Theory was first adapted/acknowledged by an Indian author Dr. Madan Mohan Bajaj in his book 'A New Approach'. The book claims that the slaughtering of innocent animals and their cries before death are responsible for Earthquakes.

The book collates reports from across the world where earthquakes have taken place and where millions of animals have been butchered, or near high-risk seismic zones.

The Einstein pain wave theory says that while primary and secondary waves move quickly, pain waves build up pressure over a period of time and then, when they reach flash point, the crust of the earth breaks and reacts in the form of an earthquake.

The devastating calamity of earthquake happens due to collective slaughter of living creature. This statement looks very strange but the renowned scientist of Delhi University Dr. Madan Mohan Bajaj has proved it to be right with help of his two other scientists. Dr. Bajaj has given his glorious research thesis title "Visprabhaw". Dr. Bajaj placed his important research thesis in June 1995 in one of the international scientist conference held in Sudal town near Moscow, the capital of Russia. This research paper not only created a stir among the scientific but nullified all the theories regarding earthquake. In fact this revolutionary research paper put nonviolence and coexistence on scientific basis and became beginning of the new era. This research paper on the one hand has inter related science and philosophy in a wonderful manner it has also made clear that earthquake happens because of the follies of human beings and if man wants he can stop earthquake. The research of three doctors, Bajaj, Ibhrahim and Singh actually substantiate Einstein Pain wave's theory. Radio, T.V. Satellites even explosive atom bomb are moved by vibrations. Not only this, on the basis of vibrations, a Russian Scientist brought the dust from moon by the use of an instrument caused luneokhod by using it from the earth itself. Similarly, earthquake is caused by pain waves. According to scientists, three types of waves are present on this earth; the primary waves, secondary waves and third are under layer waves. The first type of waves run very fast but the second one with the slow speed at the time of killing of living creatures leave waves emit pain waves. Such pain waves go on increasing and intensifying by more and more killings of the creatures and when the energy of these waves becomes expressive then these waves shake the earth which is known as earthquake. This paper reviews the precis of our giant research on the primary mechanisms by way of which the fields generated by the Einsteinian pain waves (EPW) or nociception waves engage with the human embryonic increase. Mathematical evaluation and experimental evidences display that the EPW cause severe genetic issues, which get accentuated in male or female offsprings. EPW are determined to be causative dealers.

 Dr Madan Mohan Bajaj is not an animal welfare activist. He neither tries to stop cruelty, nor does he protest or go to court. He is the director general of International Scientific Research & Welfare Organisation and chief of the medical physics, immunophysics, nuclear biophysics and biomedical engineering research laboratory of the Department of Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Delhi, where he has been teaching since 1968.

Author of more than 300 research papers, he is a fellow of Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding , Indian Academy of Medical Physics, American Chemical Society, Physical Society of Japan, Japan Society for Medical Electronics and Biomedical Engineering, Bangladesh Physical Society, Physical Society of Nepal, Asian Physical Society, Indian Society for Cancer Chemotherapy, Indian Society for Cancer Research, Mathematical Association of India, Society of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India. He was the secretary of the Indian Academy of Medical Physics and the chairman of several symposia organised by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.

Dr Bajaj has guided 18 PhD students and eight MPhil students and helped two DSc students. He has also co-authored 15 scientific books, is the founder of the Mahatma Gandhi School for the Children of Leprous Families.

In short, he is a hardcore scientist and a humanitarian.

New theory says build up of pain waves from dying animals can cause quakes Geologists will laugh but hypothesis holds weight

A woman carrying belongings walks past collapsed houses after devastating earthquake. Reuters

Bajaj has co-authored a book with other well-known physicists, putting forward a new and interesting point of view. He co-authored Etiology of Earthquakes A New Approach along with Ibrahim and Vijayraj Singh, and their work was published by HB Prakashan, Indore. It is based on a research thesis presented in June 1995 at an international scientist conference held in Sudal, Russia.

So far, predicting earthquakes has been almost impossible, since humans still don't know what causes them. The authors claim that the concentrated creation of pain and fear caused by the non-stop killing of animals, birds and fish is what creates earthquakes. They claim that pain creates actual physical waves.

Of course, the theory will be dismissed by geologists, who guard their domains jealously. And, of course, it will be laughed at by other scientists. But remember this: driverless cars, cordless telephones, meat made by the multiplication of cells, sea waves that generate electricity and a million other such things were once laughed-at theories.

Uri Geller, who is world famous because he uses the power of his mind to bend spoons, is now one of many who can do the same. Schools to develop mind power have sprung up all over the world, from Russia to Italy, and I have seen some of them. In India, we have so many "swamis" who cure diseases and change destinies by concentrating on them.

How does one explain the power of thought? The closest thing to a rational explanation I got was from the film Lucy made by Luc Bresson in 2014. What we called coincidence — when we think of someone and they call in a few minutes — is also called synchronicity. It is a concept first introduced by the legendary analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. Jung used the concept in arguing for the existence of the paranormal, but added that "with our present resources, it is impossible to explain Extra Sensory Perception".

Does the mind generate waves of energy? The story goes that when Swami Vivekananda approached Chicago, he pointed at a particular area in the distance which, according to him, had a thick black cloud of sadness on it. It was the stockyard, or slaughterhouse, the largest in America, where cattle were brought to be killed. Was the miasma caused by the waves of despair and suffering?

Jung is not the only scientist of world acclaim who believes in what is now called "the paranormal" (or what will be the new "normal" in a few years). Albert Einstein, the father of modern science, also propagated the Einsteinian Pain Waves (EPW) Theory, in the realm of geology.

The BIS (Bajaj-Ibrahim-Singh) Theory claims to be a development on Einstein's EPW. On the basis of the evidence, the authors have gathered that it is possible to correlate the cause of earthquakes with the concentrated genocide of animals.

Why and when do earthquakes happen? No one knows. So this theory is as good as any. Maybe future seismology scientists will "prove" what the "rishis" have been saying for centuries — that the universal mind is the most powerful instrument of all.

Pain wave theory
Pain wave theory

The book collates reports from across the world where earthquakes have taken place and where millions of animals have been butchered, or near high-risk seismic zones.

The Einstein pain wave theory says that while primary and secondary waves move quickly, pain waves build up pressure over a period of time and then, when they reach flash point, the crust of the earth breaks and reacts in the form of an earthquake.

The book claims to have studied the complex role of nociceptive waves in a sentient body — intense chemical (chilli powder in the eyes), mechanical (cutting, crushing), or thermal (heat, cold) stimulation of sensory nerve cells called nociceptors. These nociceptors produce a signal that travels along a chain of nerve fibres via the spinal cord to the brain, resulting in the experience of pain. Nociceptors require a minimum intensity of stimulation before they trigger a signal to the nervous system. Once this threshold is reached, a signal is passed along.

The authors claim that the same kind of pain waves are generated and passed along the crust of the earth by the immense noise and tension generated by animals on the verge of being butchered. These waves result in cracks in the crust in a certain direction, or seismic anisotropy.

Acoustic anisotropy, or the effect on the crust caused by sound, is what the authors claim causes earthquakes. While people hardly feel low-frequency resonances, earthquakes high on the Richter Scale originate due to the slaughter of millions of animals daily for years together.

The authors say that sound waves put great stress on rock. The daily butchering of thousands of animals continually, for several years, generates acoustic anisotropy due to the Einsteinian Pain Waves (EPW) dying animals emanate. The book claims that since the EPW travel a great distance with time, abattoirs of one country may lead to havoc in another country.

Their theory is that large-scale abattoir activity is the causative agent for major earthquakes. The authors have given the examples of the Latur (Khillari) earthquakes in Utterkashi, Assam; the earthquakes of Northridge (1994), Long Beach (California - 1933), Landers (California - 1992), San Francisco (1906), New Madrid (Missouri - 1811-12) in the US; Russia's Neftegorsk (1995) earthquake finds a major mention; and the Kanto (1923), Nobi (1891), Kita-Tango (1927), Sankiru Tsunami (1933), Shizuoka (1935), Tonankal (1944), Nankai (1948), Fukui (1948), Off-Tokachi (1952), Kjta-Mino (1961), Nigata (1964), Off-Tokachi (1968), Kobe (1995) earthquakes in Japan.

The massive slaughter of animals at Gadhimai and the Nepal earthquake have all been described to demonstrate a pattern.

Could this be possible? Why not? For years scientists laughed at Einstein's theory of gravitational waves, propounded in 1916. But in February 2016, a hundred years later when instruments had been developed, US scientists announced that they had detected, heard and measured gravitational waves, a landmark scientific discovery that is important in furthering our understanding of the universe.

Gravitational waves are faint ripples in the space-time fabric, created by massive movements in the universe such as two black holes colliding, or massive stars exploding. The signal that the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) caught was produced by two merging black holes. Since gravitational waves are not absorbed, or reflected, by matter, they carry information on the motion of objects in the universe.

All through history, there have been scientists who have given concepts that were unknown and immeasurable at the time. In the 16th Century, Giordano Bruno claimed that the sun was just another star, and there were many worlds in the universe. He was burnt alive. US president Donald Trump still thinks that global warming is a myth.

Here is a common example from basic physics to help understand the possible destructive power of pain waves: An object 'A' has a natural frequency at which it vibrates freely. If another object 'B', in proximity to 'A', vibrates at the frequency equal to the natural frequency of 'A', then 'A' starts vibrating with much greater energy. This phenomenon is called resonance and can be potentially destructive for 'A'. The theory of resonance can be extended to pain waves, which could trigger the tectonic plates of the earth to vibrate, resulting in devastating earthquakes.

The Tacoma Narrows Bridge in the US was the first documented bridge to have collapsed (in 1940) because of this resonance effect. It was found that due to a design fault, the natural frequency of the bridge matched the frequency of airflow, which resulted in its destruction when the entire bridge began to vibrate because of the air flowing over it.

If a tiny vibration, at a specific frequency, can lead a bridge to vibrate as a whole, why can't the pain waves originating from animals being slaughtered lead to a similar destructive outcome such as an earthquake? The pain of an animal being slaughtered is a sudden release of a huge amount of life energy, probably a form of energy that we can't measure as of now.

Who knows when we will develop the technology that can measure collective pain and the frequencies at which it can cause mass destruction. Remember the Spanish proverb: "Toma lo quequieras y pagaporello, dice dios (take what you want and pay for it, says god)." 

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