ভারতীয় পুরাতত্ত্ব সর্বেক্ষণ ভারতীয় সংস্কৃতি মন্ত্রকের অধীনস্থ একটি সরকারি সংস্থা যার কাজ হল পুরাতত্ত্ব বিষয়ক গবেষণা এবং ঐতিহ্যশালী কীর্তিস্তম্ভের সংরক্ষণ ও রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ। ১৮৬১ সালে এটি প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়। আলেকজান্ডার কানিংহাম এই সংস্থার প্রথম মহাপরিচালক ছিলেন।
আলেকজান্ডার কানিংহাম ভারতে ১৮৬১ সালে আর্কিওলজিক্যাল সার্ভে অব ইন্ডিয়া (এএসআই) প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন এবং প্রথম মহাপরিচালক হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালন করেন। ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশের ইতিহাসের সর্বপ্রথম নিয়মতান্ত্রিক গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান এশিয়াইটিক সোসাইটি দ্বারা পরিচালিত হয় যা ১৭৮৪ সালের ১৫ জানুয়ারি ব্রিটিশ ইন্ডোলোজিস্ট উইলিয়াম জোন্স দ্বারা প্রতিষ্ঠিত। কলকাতায় অবস্থিত এই সংস্থাটি প্রাচীন সংস্কৃত ভাষা এবং পার্সিয়ান হরফের ওপর গবেষণা করে এবং "Asiatic Researches" নামে একটি জার্নাল প্রকাশ করে। এ সংস্থার প্রতিষ্ঠাকালীন সদস্যদের মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য ছিলেন চার্লস উইকিনস যিনি প্রথম ১৭৮৫ সালে ভগবত গীতার ইংরেজি অনুবাদ প্রকাশ করেন। সংস্থাটির সবচেয়ে বড় অর্জন ছিলো ১৮৩৭ সালে জেমস প্রিন্সেপ কর্তৃক ব্রাহ্মী লিপির ব্যাখ্যা যা ভারতের প্রাচীন লিপি-বিজ্ঞানের অধ্যয়ন শুরু করে।
ব্রাহ্মীর জ্ঞানে সজ্জিত, বৌদ্ধ স্মৃতিস্তম্ভগুলোর ওপর আলেকজান্ডার কানিংহাম একটি বিশদ জরিপ পরিচালনা করেন যা প্রায় অর্ধ শতকেরও বেশি সময় ধরে পরিচালিত হয়। ইতালীয় সামরিক বাহিনীর সদস্য জিনব্যাপটিস্ট ভেনচুরা ও অন্যান্য অপেশাদার প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিকদের কাছ থেকে অনুপ্রাণিত হয়ে মূলত কানিংহাম এ জরিপটি পরিচালনা করেন।
তিনি ভারতের বিভিন্ন স্থানে অবস্থিত স্তূপগুলো খনন করেছিলেন এবং এ খনন কার্য পরিচালনার জন্য তিনি নিজেই অর্থ যোগান দিয়েছিলেন। ইতোমধ্যে তিনি কাজ পরিচালনার জন্য এবং সার্বিক তত্ত্বাবধায়নের জন্য জরিপ কমিটি গঠনের গুরুত্ব অনুধাবন করেন । ১৮৪৮ সালে নিজের পদ ও ক্ষমতা ব্যবহার করে কমিটি গঠনের জন্য চেষ্টা করেও সফলতা না পেয়ে পরবর্তীতে ১৮৬১ সালে পুনরায় চেষ্টা করে তিনি কমিটি গঠনে সফল হোন। লন্ডিং ক্যানিংয়ের মাধ্যমে কানিংহামকে প্রধান করে ভারতে প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক জরিপ পরিচালনার আইন পাশ করা হয় ।
অর্থের অভাবে ১৮৬৫ থেকে ১৮৭১ সাল পর্যন্ত জরিপের কাজ স্থগিত রাখা হয়। ১৮৭১ সালে কানিংহামকে প্রথম মহাপরিচালক হিসেবে নিয়োগ প্রদান এবং জরিপটি অন্য বিভাগে স্থান্তরের মাধ্যমে কাজটি পুনরায় শুরু হয়।
১৯৪৭ সালে ভারত স্বাধীনতা লাভের পর ১৯৪৮ সালে হুইলারের স্থলাভিষিক্ত হন এন পি চক্রবর্তী। যুক্তরাজ্যে ভারতীয় প্রদর্শনীতে প্রদর্শিত নিদর্শনগুলো সংরক্ষণের জন্য ১৫ আগস্ট ১৯৪৯ সালে দিল্লিতে ভারতের জাতীয় জাদুঘর প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয় ।
পরবর্তীতে মধুস্বরূপ ভট্ট এবং অমলানন্দ ঘোষ এন পি চক্রবর্তীর পদে অভিষিক্ত হন। ১৯৬৮ সাল পর্যন্ত ঘোষ মহাপরিচালকের দায়িত্ব পালন করেন। এ সময়ে তিনি কালীবাগান, লোথাল ও ধোলাভিরায় খনন কার্যের জন্য খ্যাতি অর্জন করেন।
"The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act" নামে ১৯৫৮ সালে একটি আইন পাশ হয় যার মাধ্যমে প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক জরিপের কাজ সংস্কৃতি মন্ত্রণালয়ের অধীনে চলে যায়। এরপর বি বি লাল মহাপরিচালকের দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করেন যিনি রাম মন্দির ও বাবরি মসজিদ আবিষ্কারের জন্য খনন কাজ পরিচালনা করেন। তার সময়ে "Antiquities and Art Treasures Act-1972" পাশ হয় যার মূল উদ্দেশ্য ছিলো এই সকল প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক স্থানগুলো সংরক্ষণ ও নিরাপত্তার ব্যবস্থা করা।
এম এন দেশপাণ্ডে (১৯৭২-১৯৭৮), বি কে থাপার (১৯৭৮-১৯৮১), দেশের প্রথম মহিলা মহাপরিচালক দুবালা মিত্র, এম এস নাগারাজা রাও, জে পি জোশি, এম সি জোশি ধারাবাহিক ভাবে দায়িত্ব পালন করেন।
এম সি জোশির সময় ১৯৯২ সালে বাবরি মসজিদ ধ্বংসের ফলে ভারতে হিন্দু-মুসলিম সাম্প্রদায়িক দাঙ্গা শুরু হয়। ফলস্বরূপ জোশিকে ১৯৯৩ সালে বরখাস্ত করা হয়। এই ঘটনার পর থেকে এএসআই তে পূর্বে মহাপরিচালক নিয়োগের যে সকল নিয়ম প্রচলিত ছিলো তা বন্ধ করে আমলা নিয়োগের প্রথা চালু হয়। আবার এই প্রথাটিও ২০১০ সালে বাতিল করা হয়, যখন গৌতম সেন গুপ্তকে সরিয়ে দিয়ে আইএএস এর একজন কর্মকর্তা কে এম শ্রিভাস্তাব মহাপরিচালকের দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করেন।
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- Annual of the British School at Athens no.36: session-1935-1936
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.37: session-1936-1937
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.38: session-1937-1938
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.39: session-1938-1939
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- Annual of the British School at Athens no.43: session-1948
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.44: session-1949
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.45: Session-1950
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.46: session-1951
- Annual of the British School at Athens no.47: session-1952
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- Annual report of the Dacca museum for 1936-37
- Annual report of the Watson museum of antiquities 1936-37
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- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1944
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1945
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1947
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1949
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1951
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1952
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1953
- Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1954
- Annual report of the board of regents of the smithsonian institution 1955
- Annual report of the board of regents of the smithsonian institution annual reprot 1937
- Annual report of the board of regents: 1941
- Annual report of the board of regents: 1943
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- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1948
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1949
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1950
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1951
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1952
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1953
- Annual report on the working of the archaeological museum Mathura for the year 1954
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- Catalogue of the Mandalay MSS
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- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.28
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.4
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.50
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.51
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.52
- Indian antiquary a journal of oriental research vol.58
- Indian architecture
- Indian ballads
- Indian civilization and its antiquity
- Indian culture vol.15
- Indian heritage
- Indian idylls from the Sanskrit of the Mahabharata
- Indian influences on the literature of Java and Bali
- Indian inheritance vol.2: arts, history and culture
- Indian medicinal plants Vol_2
- Indian medicinal plants Vol_3
- Indian medicinal plants Vol_4
- Indian medicine
- Indian mutiny of 1857
- Indian myth and legend
- Indian realism
- Indian rebellion: its causes and results in a series of letters
- Indian religion and survival a study
- Indian religions
- Indian reminiscencesor Bengal moofussul miscellany
- Indian shipping
- Indian speeches and documents on British rule 1821-1918
- Indian stage
- Indian temple sculpture with an introduction by Jawaharlal Nehru
- Indian theatre
- Indian theism from the Vedic to the Muhammadan period
- Indian thought and its development
- Indian thought past and present
- Indians of the Northwest coast
- Indien Pakistan ceylon
- Indigenous banking ancient and medieval India
- Indo-Aryan and hindi
- Indo-Greeks
- Indo-Iranian frontier languages Vol_2
- Indo-Iranian frontier languages vol.1
- Indo-Iranian
- Indus valley painted pottery
- Influences of Indian art
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-Javaansche kunst
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-Javaansche kunst
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-javaansche kunst: derde deel pt.1
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-javaansche kunst: derde deel pt.2
- Inleiding tot de Hindoe-javaansche kunst: derde deel pt.3
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- Innermost Asia vol.2
- Innermost Asia vol.3 Plates and Plans
- Innermost Asia vol.3
- Inquiry into the ethnography of Afghanistan
- Instrument and purpose: studies on rites and rituals in South India
- Intelligent man's guide to the post-war World
- International relations of the Chinese empire vol.1
- International relations of the Chinese empire vol.2
- International relations of the Chinese empire vol.3
- Interpretation of dreams
- Interrelations of cultures
- Interview with India
- Introducing India; pt.1
- Introduction to Indian art
- Introduction to Persian art since the seventh century A.D.
- Introduction to Public Library Organization with special reference to India
- Introduction to anthropology
- Introduction to descriptive linguistics
- Introduction to library classification
- Introduction to reference books
- Introduction to regional surveying
- Introduction to the Devanagari script for students of Sanskrit Hindi Marathi,Gujarati and Bengli
- Introduction to the Quran
- Introduction to the study of Chinese Painting
- Introduction to the study of Indian history
- Iron in ancient India
- Islam and the psychology of the musulman
- Islam in India and the Middle East
- Islamic sufism
- Ismaili tradition concerning the rise of the ratimids
- Israel and her neighbours: short historical geography
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- Iti-Vuttaka
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- Jain bibliography
- Jaina monuments and places of first class importance
- Jainism and Karnataka culture
- Jainism and Karnataka culture
- Jainism in Gujarat
- Jainism in South India and some Jaina Epigraphs
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- Jamiul-Masanid vol.2
- Janakiharanam
- Jananatantravada: Ramayana aur Mahabharata Kalina
- Japan a short cultural history
- Japan and its art
- Japanese literature
- Jataka or stories of the Buddha's Former Births vol.1 and 2
- Jataka or stories of the Buddha's former births vol.3 and 4
- Jataka tales birth stories of the Buddha
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.1
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.2
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.3
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.4
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.5
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.6
- Jataka together with its commentary vol.7
- Jataka-Mala or Budhisattvavadana-Mala
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- Jatakam vol.2
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- Jatakam vol.6
- Jatakam vol.7
- Jatakam
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- Jinalankara
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- Journal of Hellenic studies vol.78
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- Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshawur and from thence to Cabul
- Journal of a political mission to Afghanistan in 1857
- Journal of francis buchanan
- Journal of francis buchanan
- Journals and Diaries of the assistants to the agent ,Governor-General North -West frontier and resident at Lahore vol.4
- Journey from India towards England in the year 1797
- Journey through Toyland
- Jsa,Kena and Mundaka Upanishads vol.1
- Jsa,Kena and Mundaka Upanishads vol.2
- Kabir ka Rahasyavada
- Kadamba Kula: a history of ancient and Mediaeval Karnatka
- Kadambari
- Kalidasa
- Kama Shilpa a studyof indian sculptures depicting love inaction
- Kanchenjunga
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- Kanzu'l-Ummal vol.2
- Kanzu'l-Ummal vol.3
- Kanzu'l-Ummal vol.4
- Kanzu'l-Ummal vol.5
- Kanzul ansab
- Karmapradipa or Chandoga-Parisista Part_2
- Kashi the city illustrious or Banaras
- Kashmir the playground of Asia
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- Kathasaritsagara of Somadevabhatta
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- Kathavatthu vol.2
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- Kautilya'S Arthasastra
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- Keys of power a study of India ritual and belief
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- Khadira Grihyasutra with the commentary of Rudraskanda
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- King of the dark chamber
- King solomon's temple and the ancient persians
- Kings of Arabia
- Kol tribe of Central India
- Konarka
- Koran interpreted
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- Krsnayajurvediya-Taittiriya-Samhita Part_2
- Krsnayajurvediya-Taittiriya-Samhita Part_3
- Krsnayajurvediya-Taittiriya-Samhita Part_4
- Krsnayajurvediya-Taittiriya-Samhita Part_5
- Krsnayajurvediya-Taittiriya-Samhita Part_7
- Krsnayajurvediya-Taittiriya-Samhita Part_8
- Kulliyat-I-Sadi
- Kundamala
- L"art Vietnamien
- L'Art Copte
- L'Inde Dans Le Monde
- L'extreme Orient dans la litterature et la cartographie de l'eccident des 13e, 14e et 15e Siecles
- La Doctrine De Leveil
- La Geographie De Ptolemee Linde
- La Peche Aux Perles
- La Porte Ouverte
- La cartografia Antica Dell India tome.1
- La ceramique des constructions
- La civilisation des arabes
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- Lachit Barphukan and his times
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- Lalita Vistara vol.2
- Lalita Vistara
- Lalla -vakyani
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- Land of the Crested Lion: journey through modern Burma
- Language
- Last essays etc.
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- Law of primitive man: study in comparative legal dynamics
- Le Bayon D'angkor Thom
- Le Mahavastu Tome 1
- Le Mahavastu Tome 2
- Le Mahavastu Tome 3
- Lectures on Jnana Yoga
- Lectures on Patanjalis Mahabhasya vol.1
- Lectures on arabic historians
- Lectures on the economic condition of ancient India
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- Legacy of Asia and Western man
- Legacy of Rome
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- Legends and romances of Spain
- Legends and romances of Spain
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- Letters ,despatches of government of India Vol_1
- Letters despatches and other State papers vol.4
- Letters despatches of Government of India vol.4
- Lettres Sur I'Inde
- Lhasa and its mysteries with a record of the expedition of 1903-1904
- Lhota Nagas
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- Library manual
- Library of the India office: historical sketch
- Library staffs
- Library technique
- Library tour 1948
- Libraryes of London
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- Life of Claud Martin
- Life of Lord Clive vol.1
- Life of Lord Clive vol.2
- Life of the Buddha
- Life of the Buddha
- Lights of canopus
- List of Europeans and others in the English factories in Bengal
- List of Kharosthi inscriptions.
- List of Muhammadan and Hindu monuments illustrations vol.1
- List of Muhammadan and Hindu monuments vol.3
- List of Muhammadan and Hindu monuments, vol. IV
- Listes Generales des inscriptions et des monuments du Champa et du Cambodge
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- Literary history of Sanskrit Buddhism
- Literary history of the Arabs
- Literary history of the Arabs
- Little vehicle Cambodia and Laos
- Living past
- Living religions of the World
- Living thoughts of Gotama the Buddha
- Livro Da Seita Dos Indios orientais: Brit. Mus. Ms. Sloane 1820
- London through the ages
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- Lorenzo Lotto: an essay in constructive art criticism
- Lost cities
- Louvre
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- Magic a sociological study
- Magic art and the evolution of kings pt.1; vol.1
- Mahabharata or Karma Yoga
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 1 and 2
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 10 to 12
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 13 to 18
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 3 and 4
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 5 and 6
- Mahabharata wih the commentary "Bhavadipa" of Nilakantha parts 7 to 9
- Mahamandalesvaras under the Calukyas of Kalyani
- Mahamaya
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_1
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_2
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_3
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_4
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_5
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_6
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_7
- Mahatma life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Vol_8
- Mahavamsa
- Mahavastu vol.1
- Mahavira: his life and teachings
- Mahayana-Sutralamikara
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- Mahomet founder of Islam
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- Majjhima-Nikaya vol.1
- Majjhima-Nikaya vol.2
- Majjhima-Nikaya vol.3
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- Malay proverbs
- Malaya, Indonesia, Borneo and the Philippines
- Malaya, Indonesia, Borneo, and The Philippines
- Malinivijayottara Tantram
- Man and the chemical elements from stone-age hearth to the cyclotron
- Man's role in changing the face of the earth
- Mandalay to Momien: A Narrative of the Two Expeditions to Western China of 1808 & 1875
- Manu-Smrti notes pt.2
- Manu-Smrti with the Manubhasya of Medhatithi vol.5
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.1 and 2
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.1; pt.1
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.2; pt.1
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.2; pt.2
- Manu-Smrti: laws of Mnau with the bhasya of Medhatithi index to vol.3; pt.1
- Manual of Buddhism
- Manual of Zen Buddhism
- Manual of cataloguing and indexing
- Manual on the technique of archaeological excavations
- Manuscripts and printed editions of Marco Polo's travels
- Maratha history re-examined {1295-1707}
- Martin Hurlimann India
- Marvels of ancient Rome
- Masnavi vol.1 Translation
- Masnavi vol.2 Commentary
- Mathura
- Matsya Purana a study
- McFadyean's osteology and arthrology of the domesticated animals
- Meaning of life in Hinduism and Buddhism
- Mediaeval Jainism: with special reference ot the Vijayanagara empire
- Mediaeval researches vol.1
- Mediaeval researches vol.2
- Meeting prehistoric man
- Memoir of a map of Hindoostan
- Memoires publies par les membres tome.1
- Memoires publies par les membres tome.2
- Memoirs of the archaeological survey of India no.8
- Memoirs of the archeological survey of India no.72 Pt.2
- Memoirs of the archeological survey of india no.70
- Memoirs of the kern institute the early wooden temples of chamba no.1
- Memoirs of the numismatic society of India no.1
- Men and thought in ancient India
- Men of the old stone age
- Menander the principal fragments
- Message of Islam
- Mewar and the mughal emperors
- Milindapanho
- Mimamsa-Nyaya-Prakasa: apadeva
- Mind of light
- Mining and metallurgy in Negro Africa
- Mirror for librarians
- Modern India and the West
- Modern civilization: history of the last five centuries
- Modern control in photography
- Modern encyclopedia of photography vol.1
- Modern encyclopedia of photography vol.2
- Mohammadan dynasties
- Monastery of Saint Luke of stiris in phocis, and the dependent monastery of Saint Nicolas in the fields, Near Skripou, in Bceotia
- Mongol empire its rise and legacy
- More about collecting antiques
- More stories from Tagore
- Morocco that was
- Morphological analysis of land forms
- Moslem Architecture its orgins and development
- Mother Goddess
- Mountain World 1955
- Mountains of Pharaoh: 2000 years of Pyramid exploration
- Mrcchakatika
- Mughal rule in India
- Muqaddimah: introduction to History vol.1
- Muqaddimah: introduction to History vol.3
- Muria and their ghotul
- Museum association of Pakistan aims and object
- Museum association of Pakistan constitution
- Museums association of Pakistan first session 1949
- Muslim patronage to Sanskritic learning pt.1
- Mutiny records correspondence vol.7 pt.2
- Mutiny records pt.1
- Mutiny records reports vol.8; pt.1
- Mutiny records reports vol.8; pt.2
- My pilgrimages to ajanta and bagh
- Mycenae a nareative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryan
- Mycenaean age: study of monuments and culture of Pre-Homeric Greece
- Mysore city
- Mysore government museum Bangalore annual report for the year 1950
- Mysore government museum Bangalore: annual report for the year 1954-55
- Mysore government museum Banglore 1939
- Mysteres Buddhistes
- Mysteries of selflessness
- Mysteries of the mogul court
- Mystery of Easter Island
- Mystic tales of Lama Taranatha
- Mysticism Christian and Buddhist
- Myth of the eternal return
- Mythos of Mexico and Peru
- Myths and legends of China
- Myths and legends of Japan
- Myths and legends of ancient Egypt
- Myths and legends of ancient Egypt
- Myths and legends of the Bantu
- Myths and legends of the celtic race
- Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
- Myths of China and Japan
- Myths of Greece and Rome
- Myths of Pre- Columbian America
- Myths of crete and pre hellenic Europe
- Myths of the Norsemen
- Myths of the North American Indians
- Myths. from Melanesia. and Indonesia
- Myths.and traditions.of the South. sea Islands
- Nagarjuna Konda
- Naisadhacarita of Sriharsa
- Naked Nagas
- Nam: ancient language of the Sino-Tibetan Borderland
- Narrative of a journey into Persia
- Narrative of a residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad vol.1
- Narrative of a residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad vol.2
- Narrative of a visit to the court of Sinde
- Narrative of the transactions in Bengal vol.1
- Narrative of the transactions in Bengal vol.2
- Narrative of the transactions in Bengal vol.3
- Narratives of the operatios of captain little's detachment
- Native astronomy in the central carolines
- Nature of consciousness in Hindu Philosophy
- Nectar of Grace Omar Khayyam's life and works
- Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters pt.1
- Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters pt.1
- Netaji's life And writings Part_2
- Netaji's life and writings Pt_1
- Netherlands East Indies vol.1
- Netherlands East Indies vol.2
- Netti-Pakarana
- New account of East India and Persia vol.1
- New account of East India and Persia vol.2
- New account of East India and Persia vol.3
- New boundary stone of deburhadrezzar I from nippur
- New handbook of the Heavens
- New history of the Marathas Vol_2
- New voyage to the Eaft-Indies
- New ways of gravure
- Nichiren the Buddhist prophet
- Nirangistan
- Nirayavaliyao: last five Upangas of the Jain Canon
- Niti and vairagya S'Atakas
- Niticastra
- North Indian languages
- Note on the antiquity of the Ramayana
- Notes and documents from the Turkish archives
- Notes of an Indian journey
- Notes of wanderings in the Himmala
- Notes on the languages of the South Andaman group of tribes
- Nouvelle relation dun voyage Fait Aux
- Nuh Sipihr of Amir Khusrau
- Number of rasas
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society Fifth series-vol-3
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic Chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society
- Numismatic chronicle and journal of the royal numismatic society: fifth series vol.I4
- Nyaya and vaiseshika
- Occasional speeches and writings: February 1956 - February 1957
- Occasional speeches and writings: October 1952 - Janurary 1956)
- Ocean of story vol.3
- Ocean of story vol.4
- Ocean of story vol.5
- Ocean of story vol.7
- Ocean of story vol.8
- Ocean of story vol.9
- Ocean of story
- Oedipus and akhnaton: myth and history
- Old Fort William and the Black Hole
- On the meaning of the Mahabharata
- On the track of Prehistoric man
- On yuan chwang"s travels in India
- One in all
- One primeval language pt.1
- One primeval language
- Organization of knowledge and the system of the sciences
- Oriental interpreter and creasury of East India knowledge
- Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion
- Oriental splendour an anthology of Eastern tales
- Orientalia Neerlandica
- Origin and development of the samkhya system of thought
- Origin and evolution of indian clay scu
- Origin and growth of Sri Brahmatantra Parakala Mutt
- Origin and growth of caste in India vol.1
- Origin of Islam in its Christian environment
- Origin of the Indo-European races and peoples Vol-1
- Original familiar correspondence between residents in India
- Origins and prehistory of language
- Orissa in the making
- Our basic vocabulary
- Our cultural heritage: some of the essentials of Indian civilization
- Our heritage in art
- Outline of European architectutre
- Outline of Islam
- Outline of history
- Outline of the cultural History of India
- Outlines of Indian philosophy
- Outlines of Jaina philosophy
- Overland route from India
- Padma-Purana vol-4
- Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula vol.1
- Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula vol.2
- Pagan tribes of the nilotic Sudan
- Pageant of India
- Painted caves
- Palaces of crete and their builders
- Pali literature of Burma
- Pali literature of Ceylon
- Pali sahitya ka itihasa
- Panchadashi
- Panchatantra reconstructed vol.1
- Panchatantra reconstructed vol.2
- Panchatantra
- Panchavan varsha
- Paniniya siksa or the siksa Vedanga
- Papers of the British School at Rome vol.19
- Papers of the British School at Rome vol.20
- Papers of the British School at Rome vol.27
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.14
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.15
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.16
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.18
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.21
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.22
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.23
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.24
- Papers of the British school at Rome vol.29
- Papers of the British shool at Rome vol.17
- Paramatthadipani
- Parji language
- Past in pieces an archeological appraisement
- Path of light
- Path of purity part 1
- Path of purity part 2
- Path of purity part 3
- Path of the Buddha
- Path to prosperity
- Pathway to God in Hindi literature
- Patisambhidamagga vol.1
- Patisambhidamagga vol.2
- Patli-puttar ki katha
- Patna painting
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.13; no. 3
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.14
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.15
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.5
- Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University papers vol.7
- Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology Harvard University papers vol.12
- Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology Harvard University papers vol.1
- Peaks and lamas
- Peoples of Asia
- Peoples of Malaysia
- Perfection of wisdom
- Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
- Periplus of the Erythrean Sea
- Persia and the persian question vol.1
- Persia and the persian question vol.2
- Persian poets of Sind
- Persian proverbs
- Personal observations on Sindh
- Personal religion in Egypt before christianity
- Peshwa Bajirao I and Maratha expansion
- Petavatthu
- Phaladeepika
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- Philosophy of Jnanadeva
- Philosophy of Schopenhauer
- Philosophy of Spinoza
- Philosophy of the Upanishads
- Philosophy of the Yoga-Vasistha
- Phonetics in ancient India
- Phonology of Punjabi
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- Phychoanalytic explorations in art
- Pictorial history of chemistry
- Piecing together the past
- Pilgrim'S guide to Rome
- Place of minos at knossos vol.1
- Place of minos at knossos vol.2; pt.2
- Place of minos at knossos vol.3
- Place of minos at knossos vol.4; pt.2
- Pliny Letters Vol_2
- Pliny letters Vol_1
- Plutarchs Moralia Vol_10
- Poems from Iqbal
- Poems of Nizami
- Poetry of living Japan
- Poison damsels and other essays in folklore and anthropology
- Political diaries of lieut. H.B. Edwardes assistant to the resident at Lahore vol.5
- Political diaries of lieutenant reynell G.Taylor, Mr. P. Sandys Melvill, Pandit Kunahya Lal, Mr. P.A.Vans Agnew, Lieutenant J. Nicholson, Mr. L. Bowring and Mr. A.H. Cocks vol.6
- Political diaries of the agent to the Governor-General, North-West frontier and resident at Lahore vol.3
- Political history of India
- Political history of ancient India
- Political thought in the Puranas
- Politics and culture in international history
- Pompeji in seinen buildings, antiqueties and ASI works
- Popular handbook of Indian birds
- Portuguese voyages 1498-1663
- Poseidon
- Position of women in hindu civilization
- Position of women in the Vedic Ritual
- Post office
- Prachin Bhartiya Vesh Bhusa
- Prachina Bharata ka iItihasa: arambh se 1200 tak
- Practical Dharma
- Practical guide to library procedure
- Prakrit dhammapada based upon
- Prasanna Raghava
- Prasannaraghava
- Prataparudrayasobhushana
- Prataparudriya
- Pratima natakam
- Pre Inca art and culture
- Pre-Buddhist India
- Preface to history
- Prehistoric Archaeology of Kerala Iyer
- Prehistoric England
- Prehistoric India and ancient Egypt
- Prehistoric religion
- Preliminary report on two scientific expeditions in Nepal
- Press and poetry of Modern Persia
- Primitive art
- Primitive scenes and festivals
- Prince of wales museum of Western India report for the year 1938-39
- Prince of wales museum of Western India report for the year 1946-47
- Principals of human geography
- Principles of tantra: tantratattva
- Prithvirajavijaya of Jayanaka
- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.5
- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.6
- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.7
- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.8
- Private diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai vol.9
- Private life of an eastern king
- Problem of Sanskrit teaching
- Problem of history and historiography
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1935-1936 vol.70
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1936-1937 vol.71
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1937-1938 vol.72
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1938-1939 vol.73
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1939-1940 vol.74
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1940-1941 vol.75
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1941-1942 vol.76
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1942-1943 vol.77
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1943-1944 vol.78
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1944-1945 vol.79
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1945-1946 vol.80
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1947-1948 vol.82
- Proceedings of the first-Pan-African congress on prehistory 1947
- Progress Report of the A.S.I.Western Circle 1909 Part_1
- Progress Report of the A.S.I.Western Circle 1919
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1903
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1905
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1906
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1908
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1911
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1913 pt.1
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1917
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1918
- Progress report of the A.S.I. Western circle 1920
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- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
- Sriman Mahabharatam: mainly based on the South Indian texts
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